Taking a detour into cardboard boxes and a children's festival.

This summer, Haines Junction hosted the first annual Augusto! Children's Festival. This was an entire weekend in August dedicated to arts and music for children ages twelve and under. After a year of planning it went ahead and was a great success. A year of being on the planning committee was a really interesting, challenging and rewarding experience with many highs and lows. But, when it finally came to fruition it was INCREDIBLE!! To see an idea that had been just that, an idea, come to life on the Friday night after sitting dormant for about 10 years...well,it is hard to express. An awesome drum and dance welcome by the Dakwakada Dancers. Such joy in seeing the Friday night kid's dance with little people running around in a sea of balloons to live music by Clare Ness and the Swing Sets! And then all day Saturday and half of Sunday filled with workshops by professional artists in things like circus skills, felting, paper making, super hero capes, musical instruments of recycled materials, ukulele, hula hoop, robotics, toy repair centre, button making, glazing cups, face painting and more. Great Saturday evening performances by Tippy Agogo and Flying Bob.
Of course, for me, one of the many highlights was the creation of Toddler Town from Cardboard appliance boxes and tubes and left over house paints. Many days and evenings of creative fun for the board members made all the months of hunting for funding and litter pickup and meetings and emails, emails, emails worthwhile. That was such FUN!!
The festival was followed by an awesome hike with Mark on Vancouver Island. Eight days of glorious sunshine, endless ocean views and remote private beaches. And lots of play with found beach materials.
Now, back to the studio. Time to figure out what my next show will be. But, I am still thinking about those boxes. Lot's more ideas where those came from!

Mondrian's box factory

Ball factory

Post Office. A huge hit with the sorting of letters and parcels and additional mail box.

I got to ride this beautiful sea creature!